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Cindy Xinyi Wu

Cindy Xinyi Wu was born in China and is currently based in London, UK, as a jewellery designer. She studied visual arts in the United States, where she gained a robust background in various visual arts disciplines. Subsequently, Cindy obtained her Bachelor's degree from the BA Jewellery Design Course at Central Saint Martins. Her jewellery pieces transcend mere accessories; they are sculptural works that merge with the wearer’s body, narrating personal stories through art.

In 'Rising' collection, I have used bread, an unconventional and biodegradable material, as the main material for my jewellery works, representing an innovative approach to using sustainable materials.

The dough is made from simple, organic substances (flour, water, salt, and yeast) that can naturally decompose, aligning with the sustainability aspect of the theme. By employing dehydration techniques to preserve the bread, I aim to reduce material waste and energy consumption, supporting sustainable design.

My approach to creating jewellery challenges conventional methods by using new, sustainable materials, which opens up fresh perspectives in the field and showcases their potential to audiences. By exploring personal connections and emotional bonds with materials like bread, my work adds depth to the concept of sustainability. I believe that jewellery can transcend traditional definitions and reliance on conventional precious materials, embracing innovative materials that unlock new possibilities for design. This fusion of innovation and personal significance in jewellery design not only redefines aesthetic values but also aligns with sustainable practices.

Project Gallery

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