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Helena Powell

Growing up, I have always leaned towards a mathematical approach. I have been fascinated by how the world around me could be expressed through mathematics and science, with each logical pattern expressed through an equation. From a young age, I learned textiles from my family, and my mother taught me to knit and embroider. I then developed these skills further at school. When I started studying at the Glasgow School of Art, I was interested in embroidery. I then began to link coding and mathematical patterns with the nature of weaves.

In this work, I have explored the themes of contrasting aesthetics between Suffolk’s rolling hills and Glasgow’s cityscape.

 My work primarily explores contrasts with tonal blends and mathematically inspired stripes, which have been studied in sketching, thread wraps and digital development before weaving to test the iridescence of the silk. Sustainable design is the process's focus, so I have explored hand-painting warps and small-batch dyeing weft. I have worked closely with The Sudbury Silk Mills Shop and Skye Silks to repurpose deadstock materials, such as different weights of silks and cotton. 

Through sampling and refined design ideas, I have created a bespoke collection of scarves, using double cloths and different shading within the woven structure to convey the sense of home I feel in each place.

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