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Jaxi Liu

Jaxi Liu, a creative and dynamic Gemini, is a Chinese Fashion Visual Merchandising and Branding professional based in London. Originally trained in law with both undergraduate and master's degrees from China, Jaxi discovered her true passion in the world of art. This transition has enriched her work, blending analytical precision with creative flair.

"Enchantment" is an artistic exploration of the powerful relationship between nature, sustainability, and the creative process. This photographic installation draws inspiration from the serene and mysterious qualities of the forest, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in a dark, evocative atmosphere that captures the essence of nature’s enigmatic beauty.

The installation is crafted entirely from discarded and recycled materials—papers, newspapers, cardboard, and fabric—that I meticulously gathered and repurposed. Through this process, "Enchantment" challenges conventional notions of waste, transforming everyday refuse into a compelling visual narrative that speaks to the potential of sustainable design. Each element of the piece is carefully considered, yet the work itself is driven by improvisation, allowing the materials to guide the creative journey. This spontaneous approach not only echoes the unpredictable rhythms of nature but also emphasises the importance of adaptability and intuition in the artistic process.

By using materials that would otherwise be discarded, "Enchantment" underscores the vital role of sustainability in contemporary art. The work reflects my commitment to eco-friendly practices and my belief in the power of art to inspire a reimagining of our relationship with the environment. The installation’s dark and mystical atmosphere encourages viewers to pause, reflect, and engage with the deeper, often unseen, forces at play in the natural world.

"Enchantment" fits within the broader context of "Innovative Sustainability: Redefining Green Design" by illustrating how art can be a powerful vehicle for environmental consciousness. The work not only redefines what is possible within the realms of visual design and craftsmanship but also serves as a reminder that innovation in sustainability begins with a willingness to see the beauty and potential in what might otherwise be overlooked.

Through this work, I aim to create a dialogue about the possibilities of sustainable art and to inspire others to consider the impact of their creative choices. "Enchantment" is more than just a visual experience; it is an invitation to rethink how we interact with our environment and to recognise the profound beauty that can emerge from the most unexpected places.

Project Gallery

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