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Rosie Grosvenor

Rosie Grosvenor is a 2024 graduate from Manchester School of Art, with a First Class Honours Degree in Textiles in Practice. My practice as a knitted textile designer is rooted in heritage, with inspiration being pulled from my own ancestry to be articulated into a modern concept. I aim to push the form of knitted textiles through materiality and the manipulation of yarns to create experimental and dynamic outcomes.

My work pushes the boundaries of knitted textiles using unconventional materials and methods to push sustainable innovation. Research into recycled fishing line fibres and PP yarn informed my artistic decisions, looking to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill and our oceans to protect wildlife and our futures. The use of sea glass within my work captures Earth's natural ability to turn rubbish into something beautiful. A once discarded bottle ends up in the sea, which then churns it up, breaks it, and returns the pieces to shore- smooth and shining. Through using these pieces of ‘beautiful rubbish’ within my work I wish to shine light onto how we can reimagine man-made materials through innovative redesign solutions.

Project Gallery

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