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Tectrix Collective

Shaden Almutlaq and Xiao Tan are artists based in London and the founders of Tectrix Collective. The duo met during their study at the RCA, where Xiao was working towards an MA in Textiles and Shaden in Design Products. Tectrix Collective is a platform that champions collaboration between artists and designers who prioritise ethical materiality.

Sacred Continuity was created by artists and co-founders of Tectrix Collective, Shaden Almutlaq and Xiao Tan. Their "material-centred" approach involves collecting materials from past projects and local communities, working with their inherent properties to enhance textures, colours, and natural forms. They use and build on traditional techniques such as weaving, felting, and embroidery to enhance the materials’ haptic language.

Both Shaden and Xiao are Indigenous to Saudi Arabia and China, respectively. In sacred continuity, the woven patterns reinterpret Indigenous geometric art through a contemporary lens.

Project Gallery

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