My practice delves into the heterogeneous emotions of contemporary individuals, seeking to recover sensibilities lost in an age of mass production. Informed by Marguerite Duras and the concept of écriture féminine, my work explores the fluidity of identity and the constantly shifting nature of emotional landscapes, mirroring the malleability of clay itself. This process reveals the fractured yet resilient essence of "home," both as a space of longing and unresolved trauma and as a site of personal memory and generational legacy. The repetitive nature of my creative process reflects the cyclical nature of memory, creating a tangible dialogue between intimate experience and universally resonant social themes.
Initial Space / 2025 / 20 x 25 x 6 cm / Ceramics, Glass This series represents the point of origin of an existence akin to a womb. This is a study on femininity connected to Marguerite Duras and écriture féminine. Our bodies act as environments for other beings and lives that emerge as we give up parts of ourselves. In this process, women's bodies hold the potential for new life, and we enter intricate relationships of giving, taking, and owing with all forms of living water.
Project Gallery