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Xinyu JIang

Xinyu Jiang's artistic journey is defined by academic rigor and creative exploration. Holding a Master's degree in Costume Design for Performance from the London College of Fashion, specializing in wearable arts, she adeptly navigates the convergence of fashion and art.

“You are surrounding me” explores the complex relationship between space, body, and environment through innovative visual and material design. Using lightweight translucent fabrics and intricate geometric structures, it blurs the boundaries between body and environment, emphasizing their interaction. By deconstructing the original geometric structures and materials, creating more abstract or free forms, it symbolizes individuals redefining their identity and space in a changing environment. The transparent materials and dynamic patterns symbolize the environment's potential influence on individuals, making viewers aware of the intangible forces around them, guiding them to reconsider humanity's role in a rapidly changing world and challenging traditional notions of existence.

The use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials and processes embodies the principles of green design, emphasizing resource recycling and environmental protection. The transparent materials and dynamic patterns not only reflect the potential impact of the environment but also reduce negative environmental impact through innovative design, advancing sustainability goals.

Additionally, the use of body dynamics further explores the interaction between individuals and their environment. Body movements and postures become tools for expressing and deconstructing the relationship between space and self, allowing viewers to perceive and understand the environmental impact and potential connections through their bodies, enhancing immersion and interactivity. This way, viewers not only see the aesthetics of sustainable design but also deeply experience the profound impact of sustainable design on individuals and the environment.

Project Gallery

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