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Xuechen Wang

Xuechen Wang is a jewellery artist and designer living and studying in London. She has just completed her MA in Jewellery and Metal at the RCA. She creates through a cross-media artistic practice, including but not limited to contemporary jewellery, objects, and graphic works. Her work has been exhibited in London, Shanghai and Beijing and gained attention. Her practice is based on her understanding and imagination of the theory of vital materialism, connecting material culture, environmental relations and body propositions.

My work "Stability Seeking" consists of 8 containers and objects. Centred around the study of the materiality of carpets, I explored the relationship between carpets, space and human’s traces. I believe that carpets are carriers in an abstract sense, so in my creation, I deconstruct the function of carriers and imagine the transformation of form and material when carpets are made into concrete containers. In terms of material selection, I first collected and dismantled several second-hand carpets, and then used electroforming to wrap the metal layer.

By layer on the carpet and harden it, showing a unique metal mechanism. These containers bring new life to old carpets, giving them new functionality and value.

Project Gallery

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