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Zheyuan Luo

Zheyuan is a multi-disciplinary artist actively engaged in the field of visual communications, fine arts, experience design and creative programming. Curiosity is the number one driver. Zheyuan is keen to explore the combination of concept and vision and believes that ideas and techniques are fluid and open. Zheyuan likes to design easily and joyfully, bringing a pleasant experience to the output.

Otherfunct aims to create a series of objects that jump out of the normal framework of practicality and usability. Inspired by Frandisco Studio’s brief: Uselessness, the project encourages people to see and think freely and fluidly about how objects are used and the boundaries of design in daily objects.

Otherfunct aims to break the general impression of the object and its original function, namely the ‘proper way’ of using the object. All the original objects used in the project were randomly picked up, cleaned and combined by the designer on two random trips in London. The combinations that have a sense of functional contradiction are preserved and made into new objects to be delivered to the audience. In the same way as French artist Jacques Carelman’s Impossible Objects inspired interactive designer Don Norman to write down the famous The Design of Everyday Things, I hope this work can also experiment with the practicality of objects.

The designer will slow down from the process of creating new objects, observe and touch these objects, and reflect on the relationship between objects and users, and the possibilities between objects. The viewer will also slow down in front of the objects to contrast and study how the objects will be used.

Project Gallery

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